1993 “Draža i Ja”




“Draža i Ja” (Draža & I) a drama performed by the members of the “Mladi Četnici” folkloric group in 1993, celebrating 100 years since the birth of General Mihailović.

The play was based on the experiences of Major Richard L. Felman in his book “Draža & I” published in 1964. It tells the story of the 500 Allied airmen who were safely evacuated by the Chetniks in 1944.

The play was written and directed by Žika Ćurčić.

L-R: Branko Dragičević (Major Richard L. Felman), Dane Čubrilo (Karl), Zoran Ćurčić (American pilot) & Nenad Ćetojević (American pilot).


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